A Restless Spirit Have I

ISBN 978-0-9914441-1-3

"A restless spirit have I, seeking pacific moments in the words and thoughts of those who lived, loved, and flew with divine angels leaving pieces of their souls on withered pages. " 

— Joseph G Lopez, PhD





FEATURES (17 pgs):  Introduction, Dedication, Table of Contents, Preface, Acknowledgments, and five original poems. (78 kb)

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A Restless Spirit Have I
  • A Restless Spirit Have I

A Restless Spirit Have I

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(Softcover 5"x8" • 144 pages)

(Poet II - Collection) Poems that continue the reflective thought of the author speaking about courage, the quest for enlightenment, childhood, the life cycle, death, nature and the universe. ©2016 Joseph G. Lopez, PhD.

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"I truly enjoyed reading his poetry and recommend the book. It has tones and tinges of some of my favorite poets: Wordsworth, Whitman, and reminiscent of Shakespearean sonnets. He covers a multitude of topics and themes that take us back and forth in feelings about family and friends, and makes vivid those things that are part of our lives and surround us."              
— Margarita Calderón, PhD  |  Professor Emerita, Johns Hopkins University 

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“Dr. Lopez's poems express universal feelings and sentiments of the heart that transcend time, cultures and ethnicity — for courage, love, memory and passion for life are interwoven in the nature of all beautiful souls.”  
— Dr. Harry Robinson  |  President/CEO African  American Cultural Museum, Dallas, TX